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Thanksgiving Day 2021

Thanksgiving Day

The main meaning of Thanksgiving Day is to show us the beauty of human nature. Thanksgiving can be reflected from anything, greeting your parents, friends, helping people in need, all are expressions of gratitude. Let us learn to be grateful, to cherish, to understand and forgive, and most importantly, to love. That is what life truly gives us. So nowadays, Thanksgiving Day is not only a Western holiday but also a popular holiday in many countries.

What is Thanksgiving Day?

November is the month to be thankful, a time when people habitually express their gratitude and love for everything they have. Thanksgiving Day, which falls on the fourth Thursday of November, is a holiday in the United States and Canada.

The origins of Thanksgiving Day can be traced back to the beginning of American history, originating with the early settlers of Plymouth, Massachusetts, to give thanks to the Indians, and later people often in this day to thank others, including parents, friends, family and everyone they met along the way. This day is often celebrated to thank others, including parents, friends, family, and everyone in their path. For more information, see Wikipedia’s explanation for details.

Why is Thanksgiving Day so important?

Thanksgiving Day is celebrated in Western countries, similar to how we celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival in China. Turkey and pumpkin pie are a must for the American Thanksgiving table, just like the Chinese Mid-Autumn Mooncake.

Thanksgiving is about people being thankful and knowing how to give back. Gratitude to our parents for raising us, to our teachers for training us, to all those who have brought us joy and happiness in our lives, and even to those who hit, sarcastically, and denigrate us, because these little people make us strong and know how to move forward.

If you once did something for a person that seemed ordinary to you, but someone else kept it in mind and always wanted to have the opportunity to thank you, this is what we often say to know gratitude, a grateful heart.

Everyone holds a grateful heart, our society will be more harmonious and life will be better. Nowadays, many countries celebrate Thanksgiving in their own way, and in China, children already have the concept of Thanksgiving since kindergarten, and for them, it is a holiday full of love. In a sense, Thanksgiving Day is similar to the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival and to the Chung Yeung Festival, where we Chinese people promote caring for our elders and expressing gratitude to our parents.

What do people do on Thanksgiving Day?

Family Celebration

Thanksgiving Day is a day for people to give thanks for what they have. Families and friends get together for a fancy dinner, a meal that Americans value throughout the year, and the food at this meal is very rich.

What is the main Thanksgiving customary food?

Turkey and pumpkin pie are both must-haves at the table, in addition to sweet potatoes, cornbread, stuffing, vegetables, gravy, and cranberry sauce.


Thanksgiving Day, a Western holiday, is also known as “Turkey Day”, so named because turkey is a must-eat on this day. Turkey is the traditional main dish of Thanksgiving Day in the United States. The turkey preparation process is complicated, in addition to the turkey’s belly should be filled with pre-mixed stuffing, the turkey’s roasting takes at least four hours. The turkey meat is tender, lean, and contains more than 30% protein. It needs to be roasted whole, with the skin baked to a dark brown color and the belly stuffed with a lot of mixed food, such as crumbled bread. When it is served, the host slices it into thin slices with a knife and distributes it to everyone. Then each person pours the marinade and sprinkles salt on the chicken, which is very delicious.

Cranberry sauce

Sweet and tart cranberry marmalade, which was served at the first Thanksgiving table, is also on the table today. The cranberry is a small, tart wild berry that grows in the swampy areas of Massachusetts and the New England states. The Indians used its fruit to treat various inflammatory conditions and used the juice to dye carpets and rugs red. They taught the Pilgrims how to use sugar and water to cook the cranberries and make cranberry sauce.

Pumpkin Pie

On Halloween and Thanksgiving in the West, pumpkin pie is a popular dessert on the holiday table. Both turkey and pumpkin pie has become a must-have Thanksgiving meal to thank the Indians who helped and supported them in times of trouble and to thank God for their gifts. That’s why pumpkin pie is also a Thanksgiving treat. Pumpkin is rich in the trace elements cobalt and pectin. The high content of cobalt, which is incomparable to any other vegetable, is a trace element necessary for the synthesis of insulin by pancreatic cells, and regular consumption of pumpkin can help prevent and treat diabetes. Pectin, on the other hand, slows down the absorption of sugar and lipids in the intestine. Not only is it suitable for young and middle-aged people who do not want to be obese, but it is also called “the best beauty food” by women. The reason is that pumpkin vitamin A content is better than green vegetables.

Sweet potatoes

Sweet potato puree is also an indispensable food for Thanksgiving. According to the “Materia Medica” and other ancient literature, sweet potatoes “tonic weakness, benefit energy, strengthen the spleen and stomach, strengthen the kidney yin”, “longevity and less disease”. The Chinese Materia Medica says that it is “sweet in taste, flat in nature, and belongs to the spleen and kidney meridians”, and that it “tonifies the middle and invigorates the blood, benefits the qi and generates fluid, broadens the intestines and stomach, and promotes constipation”. In the best health food selected by the WHO, sweet potato is rated as one of the 13 best vegetables. First steamed and peeled sweet potatoes with a whisk or a small spoon to mash into a puree, stir more, so that the more delicate the sweet potato puree the better; stir the puree into a container that can be baked at high temperature, about nine minutes full can be; will be mashed potatoes pressed flat; mozzarella cheese with a grater finer end of the grating net rubbed into fine silk; will be shaved mozzarella cheese shreds sprinkled on the sweet potato puree, preheat the oven to 160 degrees, baking pan in the oven Bake the mozzarella cheese on the top of the baking dish in the upper-middle layer for about 20 minutes, depending on the heat of your oven, the surface will be browned.

Indian Pudding

The most common traditional food for Thanksgiving, in addition to turkey and pumpkin pie, is the Indian pudding made of cornmeal. The name Indian pudding has nothing to do with the Indians, simply because the dessert is made with cornmeal, which is preferred by the Indians. Indian pudding is a must-have dessert for Thanksgiving and Christmas and was popular during the early English immigration to the United States.

Apple Cider

There are many delicious traditional foods served on Thanksgiving. After a hearty meal, a drink would be perfect. Apple cider is one of the essential American Thanksgiving treats. Cider has a low alcohol content, ranging from about 2% to 8.5%. The apples contain mainly fructose, and the nose is predominantly fresh and slightly apple-scented, with a slightly sweet mouthfeel accompanied by a slight fruit acidity and a strong or light fruit flavor. Cider is made with apples as the main raw material, and it contains dual nutrients from apples and biological fermentation, amino acids required by the human body, and fruit acids unique to cider; it helps the human body metabolize and maintain balance. Apples also contain numerous minerals such as calcium and magnesium, which help the body to digest and absorb, maintain one’s acid-base balance, and control internal equilibrium.


Cornbread, which is a favorite food of both the English and the Indians. According to the origin of Thanksgiving, initially, the British Puritans immigrated to the United States without food to eat, the local Indians sent their food to them, in order to show gratitude, from then on there is Thanksgiving. Therefore, this cornbread has been continued and become a necessary food for Thanksgiving.


In the U.S. and other Western countries, the day of Thanksgiving is marked by an early “Black Friday” shopping spree. Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving, and on this day, shopping malls in many Western countries will offer a lot of discounts and deals in order to have one last big sale at the end of the year.

Thanksgiving Day at UV Tableware

In 2021, the 22nd anniversary of our group company, UV Tableware colleagues have planned a party this weekend to wish the company better and better with the head office, and at the same time, each department sat down to talk. Our Technical Director, Mr. H.G Lu, who has the earliest and deepest roots in the pulp molding industry, the Marketing Director Ms. P.W sent a special thanks to Mr. Lu on Thanksgiving Day, thanking him for leading the UV Tableware technical team to provide competitive solutions to our customers time and time again, making our market better and better.

Seizing this wonderful opportunity of Thanksgiving, colleagues expressed their gratitude to each other, for meeting and participating together in the development of UV Tableware and growing with the company, and for the perfect cooperation between all departments, even if there are occasional differences of opinion, in order to make the project more perfect and the company more healthy!

Our executive director Ms. Hu proposed: bring your own cutlery for the weekend get-togethers and bring our biodegradable bagasse tableware made by UV Tableware to help the environment! At the same time, we call on everyone around us: not only on Thanksgiving Day but any time you use disposable tableware for a party or holiday, please remember to use biodegradable tableware. Let the environmentally friendly biodegradable tableware play the role of “love heater”, because when we show our love to our friends and family, we should also remember to show our love to the earth, and deepen our future generations’ concept of “creating a sustainable green future”.

Low-carbon behavior starts from me; protecting the earth is everyone’s responsibility!

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