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Questionnaire on biodegradable disposable tableware

Questionnaire on biodegradable disposable tableware

People used to say that “The Earth is our home, beautification depends on everyone”, in the spirit of saving resources and protecting the environment, UVTableware conducted a survey on biodegradable disposable tableware to understand people’s acceptance of biodegradable disposable dinnerware, and to improve the quality and use of disposable biodegradable tableware, which is conducive to our better protection of the environment and care for nature.

UVTableware staff took the questionnaires to university campuses, downtown areas, hotels, and restaurants, summarized and analyzed the results, and found that most people’s knowledge of environmental protection disposable tableware is still at the stage of paper tableware, and only some college students majoring in chemical engineering understand that the lamination film of paper tableware is not easily degradable.

Corn starch tableware, PLA cutlery, bamboo pulp dinnerware, sugarcane bagasse tableware, etc., these pulp molded tableware made from plant fibers, disposable tableware that can be 100% home composted, still need to strengthen the promotion of all people, but by showing the survey respondents samples of biodegradable disposable tableware, people are very receptive to such dinnerware, and the prospect is more optimistic.

The following are the questions of UVTableware’s questionnaire on biodegradable disposable tableware.

You are welcome to leave us your comments and share your valuable opinions, we promise to keep your identity and privacy absolutely confidential, thank you.

Q1:What is your gender?



Q2:What is your occupation?

-Student at school




Q3:  Do you use disposable tableware?

-Often use (almost once a day)

-Sometimes use (about 1-2 times a week)

-Don’t use it often (about 1-2 times a month)

-Don’t use it (not even once)

Q4:Where do you use disposable tableware?


-Restaurant / Hotel

-Roadside stalls



Q5:What is your reason for using disposable tableware?


-Canteen cutlery is unhygienic

-Takeaway needs


Q6:  How do you feel about the sanitary condition of disposable tableware?

-Very relieved


-Not good

-Don’t care

Q7:What kind of disposable lunch boxes do you usually use most?

-Ordinary disposable tableware

-Biodegradable environmental protection lunch boxes

-Never paid attention to it, don’t know

Q8:Do you have any knowledge of the harm caused by white pollution?


-Not very much

-Don’t know at all

Q9:  Do you know how to distinguish between ordinary disposable food containers and biodegradable disposable food containers?


-Know some

-Don’t know at all

Q10: If there are two kinds of meal boxes as follows, what is your choice?

-Free ordinary disposable meal boxes

-Biodegradable meal boxes with appropriate charge

Q11: What is the range of charge for biodegradable tableware that you can accept?



-Above 3RMB

Q12:What are the hazards of common disposable tableware you know, such as Disposable plastic take-out tableware, foaming snack containers?

-They are not heat resistant and will release toxins when heated.

-Contains heavy metals, which can have serious health effects.

-Contains a lot of industrial ingredients, which may cause kidney stones, gallstones, and other diseases in long-term use.

-Difficult to degrade, causing white pollution.

-Difficult to recycle, burning serious pollution of the atmosphere.

Q13:Do you know the manufacturing process of biodegradable disposable tableware?



Q14: What is your attitude towards the use of biodegradable disposable tableware?

-Actively support

-Don’t care


Q15: Who do you think should make more efforts to promote biodegradable disposable tableware?




Q16:  Do you think it is necessary for the policy of plastic ban implemented in many countries?

-Especially necessary


-Not necessary

-Don’t care

Q17: How much effort are you willing to make to promote biodegradable disposable tableware?

-I accept it and would like to recommend it to my friends

-I accept it, but will not recommend it

-Don’t want to

Q18: What do you think are the reasons that hinder the popularity of biodegradable disposable tableware?

-Biodegradable tableware is too expensive

-Don’t know about biodegradable disposable tableware

-Technology is not mature

Q19: In summary, do you think there is a need to promote biodegradable disposable tableware?



Q20:What is your opinion or suggestion on promoting biodegradable disposable tableware?

-Please write ………….

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