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How to test biodegradable disposable tableware?

How to test biodegradable disposable tableware

Degradable tableware refers to the tableware that can produce biochemical reactions under the action of microorganisms (bacteria, molds, algae) and enzymes in the natural environment, causing the appearance of mildew to the internal quality changes, and finally forming carbon dioxide and water, thus achieving the effect of not polluting the environment.

Biodegradable disposable tableware using two kinds of materials: one is made of natural materials, such as paper products, straw, starch, etc., can be degradable, also called environmentally friendly. Of course, any material should not be discarded indiscriminately, should take the initiative to do a good job of classification and recycling, reduce resource waste and environmental pollution.  Even if the degradable products, but also need to be reasonable disposal or use, leaving the specific environmental factors to talk about product degradation and degradation products is nonsense.

Since January 1st, 2021, many countries have been promoting environmental protection and began the “plastic ban order”, not by shouting slogans, but by taking action. Many takeout merchants have gradually replaced biodegradable disposable tableware with ordinary disposable tableware to reduce takeout pollution, the choice of the tableware collection is one of the most important decisions to be taken, because the biodegradable disposable tableware touch food directly, so the quality and safety of tableware are very important. 

What are the requirements for biodegradable disposable tableware performance testing? How do we judge whether it is safe or not? What are the testing items of biodegradable disposable tableware? Let’s take a look at the UV Tableware engineer’s explanation:

Testing items of biodegradable disposable tableware:

1. Appearance evaluation: Disposable degradable plant fiber pulp molded tableware, color and luster should be uniform, The same batch of products should be no obvious color difference, the surface smooth and clean, no oil, no cracks, no holes, smooth edges, neat, die-cutting should be neat, no foreign bodies, no peculiar smell. The cover of pulp molding tableware with cover should be convenient and smooth, container and cover should match, rebound cover lock box cover should not buckle, perfect match.

2. Structural evaluation

3. Determination of volatile solid content

4. Performance testing items: volume deviation, load-bearing performance, drop performance, cover bending property, heat resistance (hot water resistance, heat resistant oil core plug), leakage performance, water content

5. Composting degradation: biodegradation rate, disintegration rate, ecotoxicity, etc.

6. Heavy metal and specific element content detection items: arsenic, cadmium, drilling, chromium, copper, iron, mercury, nickel, Mo, lead, selenium, zinc, etc.

7. Biodegradability test

Of course, the above points are only testing items of biodegradable disposable tableware. Meanwhile, different countries have also set out the corresponding industry standards to mention the detailed requirements. In China, we make detailed provisions in the specific indicators in GB/T 18006.3-2020. For example, the volume deviation of the product should not exceed 5%, the load height of disposable lunch box, bowl and cup should not change more than 5%, the water content of biodegradable disposable tableware made of similar polymer materials should not be more than 7%, and the volatile solid content should be more than 51%. Of course, there are limits for heavy metals and specific elements.

The degradation performance requirements

In addition to the above points, the degradation performance of biodegradable disposable tableware is the most concerned point of manufacturers, dealers, and end-users. The degradation performance requirements are mainly divided into two points:

First, if the biodegradable disposable tableware is made up of a variety of materials or mixtures, organic components with a content of less than 1% should be biodegradable, but no proof of decomposition ability can be provided. The addition and weight of each component should not exceed 5%. The disintegration rate is equal to or more than 90%, and the ecotoxicity requires that the plant budding rate and plant biomass ratio should exceed 90%.

The second is that the relative bio decomposition rate should be equal to or more than 90%, and if the composition of the material is equal to or more than 1% of the organic component, the bio decomposition should be equal to or more than 60%.

At the same time, biodegradable disposable tableware microbial detection is also important. Products in the production process, if the work environment disinfection is not complete, all kinds of pathogenic bacteria, mold may contact the product and cause pollution. Improper disposal during transport may also be due to packaging damage caused by excessive microbial. If the product is placed in a humid, stuffy, unventilated warehouse, especially in the rainy season, Appropriate temperature and humidity will lead to bacterial reproduction, so disposable tableware production enterprises in the production process, including product storage, should have strict quality control, in line with the requirements of the environment for production and storage of hygiene standards. Similarly, attention should be paid to environmental control in the use process to prevent the product from contamination of microorganisms causing health risks.

For more details, please contact us for an in-depth discussion, thank you.

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