en English

A short story about old friends and new agents

meal boxes agents

No matter how much business we do, how big a company we run, what positions we hold. First of all, we are real people, focus on every moment of life, and sometimes, we are touched by the story of a moment, which often has extraordinary meaning for us, that may be the reason for recording the below short story.

One old friend Adams called me at 10 pm last night, as he explained, the reason for calling me at 10 pm of China time was: we knew each other 10years till this Aug. We reminisced about some of the stories that happened when we worked together, especially for “33 project”, that’s a big and new project for Adams’s company, in order to help them to solve one issue, I spent 33hours in the factory and kept working without sleep, and solve the issue perfectly finally, we both companies gave the project a new name as “33 project”.

Appreciate for meeting, nobody hates to be friends with a faithful person, I think that’s why we keep a long time good relationship, even though nearly 5years no any business cooperation anymore after I change my business industry.

By the way, after knowing that we invest new production lines on biodegradable tableware, Adams wish to be our agent in his city. We make a pact for cheering for the next 10 years together. If you are interested in biodegradable tableware and have ideas for being the agent in your area, please contact me for getting support.

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